Sunday, July 14, 2013

I'm not sure where i'm going with this, welcome to my train of thought

2 sugars in my coffee is fine, thank you.

I would normally say:

Dude, give me A LOT of 

But this morning i'm not feeling so sweet, I don't deserve a lot of sugar.

I'm feelin' bitter and my coffee is black like my toes after that one poetry video,
you know the one with the snow. 

Batman never fails to hold my coffee so well, except this morning the fact that i'm drinking out of my Batman mug is only



me off.
 I don't deserve to drink out of a hero mug

ESPECIALLY not one with my favorite superhero on it. 

My daughter is outside on the back porch eating coca puffs, It doesn't get any more poetic than a pure 2 year old child eating breakfast on a porch full of so many ghosts.

My daughter came into the house casually saying "There is a spider on me." I look at her arm and I see this huge nasty white spider. 
Parenthood is pretending you're tough.
In my head I said: 
SHIT, what do I do? Oh my God. Oh my God. 
What I really said:
MOM, THERE IS A SPIDER ON KARA! Oh God, what do I do?

Being a parent is pretending you're tough.

Excuse me, but I just realized something. I don't deserve you this morning, or yesterday morning, or tomorrow morning, or any morning. I guess that's why I only get you at night

Love always,

Susan Atkins


  1. "It doesn't get any more poetic than a pure 2 year old child eating breakfast on a porch full of so many ghosts"

    That is absolutely beautiful.
