Wednesday, July 10, 2013

2 years old

Tonight I feel like writing, and it's not because of you or because someone died.
It's not because he cheated on me or because I love you.
I think i'm slowly devouring myself, it worries me. I don't think that gravity can hold me down any longer and i'm not really sure God has hope in me any more.
I'm not saying i'm going to give up any time soon, I have one very important reason and she's the reason I keep on going.
She's the reason I wake up in the morning
She's the reason I work
The reason I graduated High School
The reason I quit smoking
The reason I'm not a total wreck
The reason I haven't ran away
and the reason i'm still mostly sane
She's the reason i'm still alive and not floating off in some river in American Fork canyon.
My daughter is the reason life is so much more important to me.
The way she smiles can make the day so much brighter and when she laughs she makes the world have more important meaning.
She is only 2 and her jokes are funnier than zach galifianakis and to be honest she is really only a little less vulgar.
She is a crazy 2 year old whose eyes hold the universe and her hands create so much beauty.
Her voice makes the world quake; no really, she screams really really loud.
Her little butt cheeks make my heart melt (only mothers understand this).
She can't get enough of animals and they can't get enough of her, even when she is running after them growling.
I don't think I have ever seen so much purity in my entire life and it shocks me because she was created by two messed up teenagers.
I always told myself that I never wanted kids and I have never been more thankful for someone in my entire 18 years of life.
My hero is Kara, a crazy 2 year old girl who doesn't even know the meaning of the word.
Everyday she makes my day a little bit brighter.