Thursday, November 15, 2012

This is as simple as it gets

Would you like to know the exact way to take care of your heart?
Well if you said yes, you came to the right place.
I think it's about time people started taking care of each other’s hearts and their own.

Step one: Drop that cigarette, you are too pretty to burn and honestly your body doesn't need more fire dear.
Step two: Make sure you tie it to something stronger than kite string; you better damn well make sure it's tied to yarn made of the golden plates and nothing less.
I think our hearts are worth yarn made out of the golden Plates.
Step three: Never give all your heart.
If you already did, take that person to court; win custody.
Take this from someone who cares, someone who gave all their heart and lost the custody battle.
I have always been a test subject for love. 
Your heart is made up of every decision you make and will ever make; who ever said it's your brain never had a heart,
heart is made up of a million rhymes and every romance language ever spoken.
It's made up of every moment we never spent together and every second we did.
It's made up of glaciers and insomnia.
This is for all the kids who were smart enough to seek an instruction manual on love.
This is for the hundreds that died from a broken heart; your ashes were beautiful as they flew through the air.
This is for the couple who can't love each other without fighting each other every night.
This is for the "I love you because the way you sin."
These steps should not be taken lightly.
One day when you get a chance to share your heart with someone you will thank me for these simple instructions.
Because I know that he doesn't want to die alone, I don't care how many times he tells me he likes being alone,
and I know he never wanted to lose his heart and I’m so sorry I didn't get to these instructions sooner lover.

Please forgive me.

I wish I could have saved you before you drowned in her sheets.
I wish I could have saved you before you sailed away in her ocean eyes.

I wish I could have saved you.

Bleeding for you always,
                   Susan Atkins 


  1. Hearts are for risks. Read my intsructional blog i think they go hand in hand.

  2. HOLY CARPE DIEM how have I not come across this blog before???

  3. Wow. Those last few lines are a little too good.

    Thank you.
